09 Nov Architecture, Articles, Space ARCHITECTURE IN SPACE TRAVELS December 9, 2021 By Ayse Oren Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram Fall of Icarus Throughout the history, humanity has always been influenced by the Sky. Indeed, people have called super-talents “stars...Continue reading
17 Mar Architecture, Articles SMART CITIES December 9, 2021 By Ayse Oren Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram What Is the project? Project is a city furniture entailing the concept of Internet of things; electronic informatics and design and is...Continue reading
02 Jan Architecture, Articles, Space SPACE ARCHITECTURE AS UTOPIA December 9, 2021 By Ayse Oren Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram DRAWING UTOPIA Today I am going to talk about drawing an utopia, because I see space architecture as- Utopia. The word is coming from...Continue reading